Our Work With U.S. Veterans

K-CO Products is proud to be working with the U.S. Veterans Administration through the Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) program — an existing program designed to provide disabled U.S. Veterans with work opportunities.

The VA reported that by 2022, nearly 3 million veterans had a service-connected disability rating of 50% or higher.
The well-being of disabled veterans is a priority for us. After service, many struggle to find work, with disabilities making it even harder.
Expanding Opportunities for Veterans

Since 2012, the Little Big Shot® Super Nozzle has been made in the USA and assembled by disabled veterans through our program. And our veterans take pride in seeing their work on store shelves. In 2015, we introduced the PRO Power™ Super Plunger, creating more job opportunities and extending seasonal work for veterans.
Thank you to all those who've served.
And a special thanks to our veterans who've played a role in K-CO Products over the years.
Our Veterans take great pride in quality, a work ethic not always found in the private sector.
We hope our business continues to grow and our product line increases, to continue to increase the number of Veterans we are able to help. With the support of our customers like The Home Depot, Tractor Supply Corp, Ace Hardware, DoItBest, Orgill, and others, we are assured of achieving this important goal.

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